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Courses for the interdisciplinary program in data analytics and science at Beloit come from many departments.
Interdisciplinary Course Examples
MATH 110 Calculus I
MATH 115 Calculus II
MATH 175 Linear Algebra
MATH 160 Discrete Math
MATH 205 Math Statistics I
- MATH 310 Math Statistics II
CSCI 111 Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming
CSCI 204 Data Structures and Algorithms
- CSCI 367 Database Capstone
- ANTH 208 Ethnographic Methods
- ANTH 240 Quantitative Theory and Technique
- ECON 302 Marketing Research Workshop
- ECON 303 Econometrics
- ECON 251 Quantitative Methods in Economics
- POLS 201 Research Methods in Political Science and Health
- POLS 207/PSYC 207 Political Psychology of Identity
- SOCI 205 Social Statistics
- SOCI 211 Research Methods
- BIOL 247 Biometrics
- PSYC 161 Research Methods and Statistics I
- PSYC 162 Research Methods and Statistics II
- ART 325 Graphic Design
- ART 280 Human-centered Design
- CPLT 215/WRIT 215 Counting, Writing, Seeing
- ENGL 265 Data Narratives
- ENVS 260/JOUR 350/MDST 350 Media and the Anthropocene
Permanent Courses
Course information found here includes all permanent offerings and is updated regularly whenever Academic Senate approves changes. For historical information, see the Course Catalogs. For actual course availability in any given term, use Course Search in the Portal.
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