Designing molecules to be better medicines
Jonathan Palmer’19 uses chemistry to discover molecules that could become effective drugs.
moreDual degree program
Earn a Bachelor’s degree and a Doctor of Pharmacy in just 6 years.
Beloit has partnered with the Medical College of Wisconsin (MCW) to provide students a unique dual-degree program. Students can graduate with a BS/BA from Beloit and a PharmD from MCW in as few as six years.
Experience small class sizes and a student-centric active-learning environment at Beloit College while completing the prerequisites for pharmacy school admission.
For the 3+3 program, take the courses required for a B.S in Biochemistry while still having plenty of choices to pursue non-major electives. For the 4+3 program, take the pharmacy prerequisite courses and earn a BA or BS in the major of your choice.
Gain your professional training in the three-year Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) degree program at the Medical College of Wisconsin.
Located on an academic medical center, this cutting-edge pharmacy school will give you the experience you need to be an innovator and an advocate for providing greater access to primary and preventative care for patients.
Students typically apply for this program during their first year at Beloit. Upon enrollment, students will be partnered with a faculty mentor from the MCW pharmacy school. They will also have access to career discussions and shadowing opportunities with the MCW Pharmacy School’s clinical partners, and will potentially have access to undergraduate research opportunities at MCW. Visit the MCW Pharmacy School Dual Degree programs page for more info.
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