Curiosity and common purpose
Kenny Andejeski’12 came to Beloit to become a high school football coach. He left committed to finding common purpose in community and to a life shaped by curiosity.
Sociology majors from Beloit College are prepared intellectually and experientially to enter a variety of careers. Many enter occupations in business, industry, and government directly from college. Others pursue additional graduate education at the M.A. and Ph.D. levels.
We have designed several pre-professional career concentrations for (1) graduate study in sociology; (2) social services and administration; (3) criminal justice; (4) law; (5) management and policy studies; (6) health administration; and (7) public school teaching. These concentrations are not majors in themselves; rather a set of courses from sociology and other disciplines that provide sociology majors with suggestions toward a solid liberal arts foundation for a professional career. Other pre-professional career concentrations can be worked out in consultation with a faculty advisor.
Kenny Andejeski’12 came to Beloit to become a high school football coach. He left committed to finding common purpose in community and to a life shaped by curiosity.
moreAfter years of work (and play) in CELEB’s Maple Tree Recording Studio , Adriel Limas’20 now engineers music for emerging artists in the Sound Arts and Industries master’s degree program at Northwestern. After editing multiple projects with college alumni band Saturn Hat , he’s one of three Ferrall Artists-in-Residence , leading a group of students to write…
moreSabrina Sanchez’17 is pursuing graduate studies to better understand and fix the structural factors that result in health outcome disparities.
moreTamara Fouché’10 is glad to have grown up at Beloit as a student. Now she’s helping the college grow and thrive as a director of development and liaison to the college president.
moreFirst-generation college student Jolene Goeden’94 came to Beloit interested in the law and psychology. She graduated equipped to study forensic psychology and is now a FBI Special Agent.
moreErin Gallagher’21 was not initially thrilled about her Duffy internship placement at the Rock County Public Defender’s Office, but the placement led to a new career path.
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