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Build skills to take on complex, global challenges. 

  • <div class="hero-story-wrapper container mb-2"><div class="hero-story col-lg-3 offset-lg-3 px-3 pb-2"><h4><a href="/live/news/5544-point-of-no-return-speaking-out-for-democracy-and">Point of No Return: Speaking out for democracy and freedom</a></h4><p><p> Anastasia Voronovsky’21 grew up in Vladimir Putin’s Russia, but as an international student on Beloit’s campus, she gained a new perspective on her home country and grappled with what she learned.</p></p><p><a href="/live/news/5544-point-of-no-return-speaking-out-for-democracy-and" style="font-size: 1.05em;">Read More →</a></p></div></div><div class="hero-header-image" style="background-image: url(/live/image/gid/94/height/670/src_region/0,0,3200,2400/11945__pnr-Voronovsky-megaphone_edit.rev.1698266095.jpg); background-size:cover; background-position:center; min-height:400px;"><div class="" style="position:static;"><span class="lw_image_caption lw_align_right px-3" style=""></span></div></div>

Working for social justice, equity, and change

What is your dream career?

Like Patrick Fraser’17, your path to a career might start with a first-year seminar on the U.S. war on terrorism, continue with an internship at Mothers at Risk in Brussels, Belgium, turn into winning a Fulbright Scholarship to teach in Malaysia, then lead to working as a civil rights advocate at the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Vermont. 

Or you might take your experience advocating for transgender rights on campus to the Iowa statehouse, fighting for healthcare equality like Tobias Gurl’12

Or your time at Beloit working at the nearby Winnebago County Public Defender’s Office might launch a legal career with the Bronx Defenders, serving low-income Bronx residents in criminal, civil, child welfare, and immigration cases, like Harvard-educated criminal defense lawyer Ruth Hamilton’07. More interested in forensic psychology? Jolene Goeden’94 used her experiences at Beloit to launch a career with the FBI.

Chart your own path

With support from professors, staff, and alumni mentors, you can take advantage of all Beloit has to offer. Courses that spark your passions, resources found only at Beloit, and internships and study opportunities across the globe are your stepping stones.  

Your new professional network 

Beloit’s long-standing commitment to human rights and social justice provides students with a wide variety of alumni and friends across the world.  From embassies to the State Department to non-profits to foundations to grad programs to lobbying, Beloiters around the world are here to guide and support you.  

Justice & Rights

Your Mentors

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