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Better worlds are possible. Learn the past, study the present, model the future.

  • <div class="hero-story-wrapper container mb-2"><div class="hero-story col-lg-3 offset-lg-3 px-3 pb-2"><h4><a href="/live/news/5168-madeleine-roux08-writing-with-purpose">Writing with purpose</a></h4><p><p> Madeleine Roux’08, bestselling author of the young adult horror series <em>Asylum</em>, credits Beloit <a href="/academics/english/">English</a> professors <a href="/live/profiles/2343-steve-wright">Steve Wright</a> and <a href="/live/profiles/259-francesca-abbate">Francesca Abbate</a> with being the support that she needed to pursue a budding interest in <a href="/academics/english/">creative writing</a>.</p></p><p><a href="/live/news/5168-madeleine-roux08-writing-with-purpose" style="font-size: 1.05em;">Read More →</a></p></div></div><div class="hero-header-image" style="background-image: url(/live/image/gid/12/height/670/src_region/0,0,1440,1693/10985_headshot2021_1_1.rev.1682526949.jpg); background-size:cover; background-position:center; min-height:400px;"><div class="" style="position:static;"><span class="lw_image_caption lw_align_right px-3" style=""></span></div></div>

Imagining new worlds, transforming existing ones

What is your dream career?

Maybe you’ve been studying and inhabiting online worlds for years now, and you’d like to learn how to connect the skills you’ve already developed with a career path in the real world. 

That could mean working in the video game industry—as a designer, writer, coder, or something else entirely. Or it might mean bringing your skills in building and examining alternate realities to other career paths, whether it be education, entertainment, nonprofit administration, healthcare, community building, tech, or finance.

Our world is changing faster and more profoundly than ever before, and we need broad, resourceful thinkers to be ahead of the curve.

Chart your own path

Worldbuilding at Beloit begins from the recognition that what we perceive as “reality” both shapes and is shaped by the languages we speak, the cultures we come from, the histories we embody, and the media we consume — and the narratives we use to understand and describe it all.

We invite writers, performers, big thinkers, activists, connectors, and desktop philosophers to join us as we figure out what’s possible — studying the past, and writing histories of the future. 

What worlds do you want to build?

  • Educational Worlds: from teachers to nonprofit administrators, counsel the next generation.
  • Communal Worlds: from community organizers to social media specialists, create connections.
  • Possible Worlds: from social justice activists to entrepreneurs, engineer the future.
  • Therapeutic Worlds: from mental health specialists to school counselors, heal the soul.
  • Fictional Worlds: from game designers to novelists, imagine alternate realities.
  • Intercultural Worlds: from translators to curators, bridge people and communities.
  • Material Worlds: from urban planners to technology developers, build our environment.

We’re here to support you

Beloit’s Innovation Space offers worldbuilders high-performance Apple computers, an animation station, graphics tablets, an audio recording booth, and gaming hookups. You can also take advantage of the creative facilities at the Center for Entrepreneurship in Liberal Education at Beloit (CELEB), including the Maker Lab and the Maple Tree Recording Studio.

Build your own business in the Entrepreneurship Lab, or learn about the world-changing potential of foundations by getting involved in the WISE Philanthropic Foundation.

And our faculty, staff, and broad network of alumni are available to mentor and encourage you along the way. 


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