Changing Conditions

The coronavirus pandemic creates a dynamic situation that may require rapid, informed, and decisive actions.

Changes to COVID-19 Policy and Website

Vaccinations, testing, and positive case reporting are no longer required. Masks are optional. The Beloit Covid Plan pages will be archived and no longer updated.


The COVID-19 Task Force continually monitors and discusses multiple sources of information that help determine what actions that the College must take if or when circumstances change.

Overall guidance comes from federal, state, and local health authorities including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Wisconsin Department of Health Services, Illinois Department of Public Health, and Rock County Public Health.


Criteria that singly, or in combination, could create the conditions for a consequential change in the plans to deliver the curriculum in person or to have students in residence:

  • Significant increases in COVID-19 transmission on campus, occurring at a greater rate than the local Stateline community.
  • Observing that the College’s community is disregarding protective practices.
  • Significant increases in COVID-19 transmission within the Stateline area.
  • Insufficient healthcare capacity on campus or within the local healthcare facilities.
  • Insufficient space to manage the number of students requiring quarantine rooms or self-isolation.
  • Local/State/Federal mandates.

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