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Request a Project

Help us so we can best help you and the college.

Complete the Project Request Form

What we expect

  • A minimum of two weeks’ lead time before the hard deadline, so we are best able to accommodate your request while continuing our existing projects.
  • The requesting office will cover any relevant costs (printing, advertising, freelance professionals, etc.)
  • We can alter the output of the project to best meet your goals or to be able to accommodate your project when resources are limited (no budget available, many existing projects, etc.)

What the form asks for

  • A primary contact we can work with throughout the project.
  • Your department or office.
  • A brief description of your goals, and the problem that this project is designed to solve.
  • Your primary audience and the kinds of work sought.
  • A hard deadline when all work must be complete and in hand.
  • Details about your available budget and billing code.

After completing the form

  • We require up to 2-3 business days to discuss and evaluate each submission.
  • The primary contact should be ready to provide additional details, any necessary files for the work, etc. upon request.
  • If approved, a staff member assigned to the project will work with the primary contact through the project’s completion.
  • If rejected, a staff member will provide the reason(s) and, if able, provide suggestions or alternative resources to consider.

Our priorities

  • Projects that support the college’s financial outcomes: enrollment, fundraising, and retention.
  • Projects that support the college’s major institutional efforts.
  • Projects that have broader audiences (entire audience over a small cohort) or greater impact.

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