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College Data

Browse here for data points used to understand the institution’s health, how we compare with other liberal arts colleges, and how our departments and programs stack up.

Academic Department Activity

These reports share course enrollments, graduates, declared majors and minors, and faculty counts for each academic department. Originally created for the Academic Strategic Planning Committee for tenure track planning, departments are now welcome to use these reports for a range of other purposes.

Comparison Schools

When you need to compare Beloit to other institutions, this is the list to use—19 liberal arts schools with similar financial resources.

Institutional Health

Metrics that matter to Beloit’s overall wellbeing in just 1 page? Yes! Prepared 3 times a year and included in the Board of Trustees packet. 

Fact Book

The IRAP office creates a Fact Book occasionally. These books contain visual representations of Beloit College information over time and relative to comparison schools.

Right now the entire book is several years out of date. It is, however, relatively straightforward to create updated versions of single pages. If there is something you’re looking for, let me know!


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