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Learn internationally without leaving home.

Remote International Internships

Remote international internships allow students to become better collaborators, communicators, and problem-solvers while gaining international work experience. 

While not a substitute for in-person study abroad, remote international internships bridge geographical divides and allow students to strengthen their intercultural communication skills, gain professional experience in their fields of study, and build an international network.


  • Beloit College students participate in remote internships as a part of their semester coursework.
  • Remote international internships carry 0.25 to 1.00 Beloit College units of credit.
  • The cost is built into the tuition of full-time students.
  • Students register for remote internships during the regular semester registration period.
  • A short application is required to confirm the registration (the application prompts appear below). November 13 is the application deadline for spring 2021 remote international internships.



In your application, you will write a short essay responding to the following prompts:

In a 300- to 500-word essay, please

  1. identify the focus of your intended online study abroad,
  2. how you hope it will contribute to the internationalization of your education, and
  3. which learning outcome(s) you most want to focus on by engaging in online study abroad

Before writing your essay, please refer to the college’s International Education Mission Statement and its Integrated Learning Outcomes.

When you’re ready:

  1. Submit an application through the StudioAbroad application system.
  2. Ask a faculty member to submit a recommendation on your behalf in the StudioAbroad application system.
  3. Once your application has been approved by Beloit College’s Committee on International Education, apply to the internship organization.

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