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General Information

This year the Beloit College Upward Bound program focuses on recruiting freshmen and sophomores;  however we do accept applications from juniors as well. During the fall semester of each school year, we visit Beloit Memorial and South Beloit High School to provide information about the program for any interested students.


Upward Bound strives to serve students that are generally underrepresented in the college environment. There are two main criteria that we look for when selecting participants for our program.

  1. First-generation college students
  2. Students from a low-income family setting

A student is recognized as first-generation if his/her parents (or guardians) have not received a four-year degree or higher. A student that qualifies for free or reduced lunch is considered to be from a low-income family setting.

Because the Upward Bound program is federally funded, we are required to fulfill certain guidelines. Only two-thirds of our students must qualify through both of the above criteria. The other one-third of our students is permitted to only single-qualify.

Additional Expectations

A primary requirement for a student to enter our program is a desire to pursue a post-secondary education. Although we do not have a minimum GPA requirement, students must be motivated to improve academically and have demonstrated need for support in pursuing higher education.

Upward Bound recruits students with the expectation that they will participate in the program until graduation from high school.


There is no cost to apply or to participate! In addition to being a free program, students are eligible to receive a $40 per month stipend during the academic year and a $60 per month stipend during the summer program IF they complete all required activities and tutoring.

How to Apply

Application forms are available in the fall semester during the weeks of recruitment or by calling the Upward Bound office at 608-363-2725.

Applications can be:

  1. completed online during fall recruitment 
  2. emailed to the address on the form
  3. turned in at Beloit Memorial front office or our tutoring room (D-109)
  4. turned in at South Beloit High School to the main office (to Keeley)

Late Submissions

Although we will still accept late applications, preference will be given to freshmen and sophomores who complete their applications on time. 


Simply submitting an application is not a guarantee of acceptance into the program. We have a strict limit on the number of students that we are able to serve because our program is funded by grants through the Department of Education.

Positions which May Open

The applications of all students whom are not immediately accepted into the program are kept on file in our office. These applications are periodically reviewed and a student may receive some correspondence from us at a later date if additional openings in the program become available. Although the applications are looked at occasionally, we do not record a waiting list. This means that it is the responsibility of the applicant to inquire about the availability of positions.

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