Beloit College’s School of Business, Economics & Entrepreneurship is the most personalized, interdisciplinary, and entrepreneurial undergraduate business school in the world, developing socially conscious, passionate and successful business leaders and entrepreneurs.
Mission: for what purpose
We help you discover your passion, translating it into a business or fulfilling career that finds unique solutions to people’s problems and makes your community a better place.
Philosophy: what we believe in
A business leader or an entrepreneur is first and foremost a liberally educated thinker with an ability to inquire intellectually from multiple perspectives, and to engage in social responsibility.
There is joy in learning and in pursuing a career.
“Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it.” – Steve Jobs.
Open inquiry and diversity of thoughts are the foundation of learning and knowledge production.
Advisory Board
Chuck McQuaid,
Chartered Financial Analyst, spent 40 years in the investment business, beginning as a securities analyst. Thirty eight of those years were with Columbia Wanger Asset Management and its predecessor companies, where he eventually became a Portfolio Manager, then Chief Investment officer, and finally President. He has been a Trustee of the Morton Arboretum, Lisle Illinois, since 2016. From 2011 to 2020 he was a Trustee of Beloit College. Chuck’s son James graduated from Beloit College in 2011, and subsequently achieved a law degree from Notre Dame. Mr. McQuaid earned a B.B.A. from the University of Massachusetts in 1974 and an M.B.A. in Finance from the University of Chicago in 1976. He and his wife Monica live in Downers Grove Illinois.
Zach Brockman grew up in Homewood, Illinois, and is a graduate of Homewood-Flossmoor High School and of Robert Morris University in Chicago. His extensive career in Minor League Baseball working in coast-to-coast points across the country led him to the Midwest as President of the Beloit Sky Carp in 2022, the team’s inaugural first full season at ABC Supply Stadium. He led the rebranding of the franchise from the Snappers to the Sky Carp name as reference to a Canadian goose, which thrives in the Beloit region, and does not migrate south during the winter. Zach has been instrumental in helping Beloit’s Business School design the curriculum for its sports management program, and frequently mentors Beloit students interested in a sport career. The Sky Carp has also provided many internship opportunities to Beloit students.
Silvija Martincevic’02 is the CEO of Deputy, the people technology platform for hourly work that serves 330,000 workplaces and 1.5 million shift workers globally. Silvija grew up in Croatia, and lives in San Francisco with her family. Prior to Deputy, Silvija served as Chief Commercial Officer at Affirm, Silicon Valley-based fintech, where she was responsible for scaling the company from 6.5k to 200k customers, growing revenue from $100m to $1.3B, and building partnerships with industry giants, including Shopify, Walmart, and Amazon. She helped Affirm with an IPO on Nasdaq in 2021. Prior to this, she led Groupon’s operations in Europe, Australia and Asia as Chief Operating Officer and was a CEO and Co-Founder of Zenna Financial Services, where she focused on impact investing. Silvija holds an MBA in Econometrics and Statistics from the University of Chicago, and is a graduate of Beloit College. She has mentored many Beloiters, especially international students and those interested in a career in technology. She serves on the board of Kiva, promoting financial access for underserved communities. Silvija’s career journey has been guided by a commitment to leveraging technology for good, and serving the underserved.
Rene Circ received a BA in Economics from Beloit College and an MA in Economics from DePaul University. He currently serves as Executive Vice President and Co-Head for GID Industrial. Prior to joining GID, Mr. Circ served as an advisor to several foreign institutional investment managers and industrial investors and developers. Additionally, Mr. Circ co-led the Industrial Implementation Committee with First Industrial Realty Trust, building out new industrial platforms across Canada, Mexico and Europe. Throughout his career, Mr. Circ has been involved in over $15 billion of industrial transactions and structured more than $5 billion of core, value-add and development investment joint ventures.
Joshua Hall
is Milan Puskar Dean and Professor of Economics, all in the John Chambers College of Business & Economics at West Virginia University. He was the 2019-2020Benedum Distinguished Scholarin Behavioral and Social Sciences and a 2015-2016WVU Foundation Outstanding Teaching AwardRecipient. He is also editor of theJournal of Regional Analysis & Policy. He earned his bachelor and master degrees in economics from Ohio University and his Ph.D. from West Virginia University in 2007. Prior to returning to WVU, he was the Elbert H. Neese, Jr. Professor of Economics at Beloit College.