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Time Conflict Guidelines

  1. On either of the Symposium days or Advising Practicum days between 8 AM and 5 PM, no activities except those designated for that day may be offered to students by academic departments or individual faculty members.
  2. Spring Day may be utilized by academic departments or individual faculty members to offer students optional, but not required, activities.
  3. Weekends may be utilized by academic departments or individual faculty members to offer students activities that are either optional or required.
  4. Students engaging in co-curricular activities that may require missing class time must communicate these potential conflicts with faculty during the first week of class wherever possible. Faculty are not required to excuse students from their classes in these instances, but should, wherever possible, try to accommodate reasonable student needs.
  5. As far as possible all-college events should not be scheduled during regular class times. If faculty require their students to attend an event that conflicts with another class time, they will offer alternative activities to students with conflicts.

Endorsed by Academic Senate on May 2, 2013, updated per Faculty Meeting April 4, 2018.

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