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Hate and Bias Act Response Protocol


This document defines the communication and response protocol for instances of hate acts and/or hate crimes as defined by Beloit College’s Anti-Hate and Bias Incident Policy. It outlines, roles, responsibilities and processes that will guide the college’s response to such incidents. It serves as a necessary set of responses, but it is expected that there are likely responses that will go beyond what are listed here. This protocol serves as a supplement to the Campus Security policies and procedures and the college’s emergency management plan. This protocol will be available publicly on the Student Success, Equity and Community, Dean of Students, and Provost websites, as well as linked from the college homepage.


The college’s first priority is the safety and well-being of students, faculty and staff.

Roles and Responsibilities

In instances of hate acts or hate crimes, the following roles will be responsible for the initial response.

Campus Security

Responds immediately to reports and conducts an initial assessment of threat based on specificity, location and any other available information. Contacts Beloit Police. Alerts Director of Security and Dean of Students.

Dean of Students

Responsible for guiding the response team through the steps outlined in this protocol.

Response Team

Formulates and executes response based on the protocols outlined below. The response team includes

  • Dean of Students
  • President
  • Provost and Dean of the College
  • Director of Security
  • Associate Dean for Student Success, Equity and Community
  • Chief Communications Officer

If the Dean of Students is unavailable, the Provost has the responsibility of guiding the Response Team. When someone in any of the administrative positions is unavailable, the Dean of Students can name a designated replacement (e.g. President’s Office Chief of Staff could be named in lieu of the President who might be unavailable). The Response Team will begin executing a response with as much speed as possible even if all members or their designees are not immediately available.

Response Procedure

The college will follow the procedures below in instances of hate acts or hate crimes, except in unusual cases where circumstances render such actions impossible.

When Campus Security receives a report, a security officer conducts the initial assessment of the threat based on threat target, specificity, location, and any other available information. If classification is unclear, Campus Security will work under the assumption that the incident constitutes a hate act and necessitates enacting this protocol. The following happens immediately:

  • If there is an imminent threat, an Emergency Alert is issued immediately.
  • If there is evidence of a crime, campus security officer calls Beloit Police.
  • Security officer contacts the Director of Security and Dean of Students.
  • Campus security cooperates in evidence collection.
  • The Dean of Students assembles the response team. (See roles and responsibilities for team makeup.)

Once convened, the Response team will make an initial determination of whether the incident constitutes a hate act or a hate crime, while seeking to understand the needs of targeted groups and individuals. If an individual is targeted, the response team will weigh needs of individual relative to broader community safety in deciding the specific response. The Response Team will evaluate:

  • Individual(s) or group(s) targeted by the act
  • What, if any, threats to safety exist for individuals or groups
  • Who needs to join the team to offer immediate response, work, and feedback. Students from targeted groups may be invited to participate.
  • Based on the specific incident, what steps in addition to this protocol should be taken

Communication Protocol

Based on immediate assessments and determinations, the Response Team will develop communications to the campus community using this protocol.

  1. An email alert from Campus Security will be issued within two hours of receiving the incident report. This brief alert will contain as much information as possible about location of the incident, nature of the incident, nature of any language used, and identification of groups targeted. Whenever possible, we will disclose the specific language. When we are unable to share all the details of an incident, we will explain why.
  2. A community notice from the President of the college and the Dean of Students will follow the initial alert. In most cases this message will be issued within four hours of the incident report.
  3. The Provost will send a communication to faculty by the morning following the incident, with guidance for giving the incident attention in courses and other places faculty can demonstrate support specifically for those targeted, as well as the community as a whole.
  4. The Vice President for Human Resources and Operations will send a communication to division and department heads the morning following the incident, with guidance for giving the incident attention where staff can demonstrate support specifically for those targeted, as well as the community as a whole.
  5. The Dean of Students will send a campus-wide update with any new information on the incident, additional support resources, and other actions the college is pursuing to support its students. In most cases this message will be sent within 12 hours of the initial incident.
  6. A member of the response team, or designee, will contact the Police Chief and City Manager directly, briefing them on the incident and asking for support and/or additional resources. This call will usually happen within the next business day following the incident.
  7. The Response Team will develop an anticipated schedule for future updates based on the specific incident, community needs and the availability of new and/or relevant information. Timing of future communications will be indicated in each communication.


In addition to timely, relevant communication, the college will ensure that resources are in place and amplified to support its students. The Division of Student Life will devote its resources, while also enlisting other members of the community, to supporting students most directly impacted by the hate act.

  1. Outreach: Student Success, Equity and Community director will reach out to student leaders of affected groups to offer support and learn more about students’ needs. This information is brought back to response team for action.
  2. Safety and Security: The Director of Security, Dean of Students, and Student Life staff will consult on and implement other measures to protect the safety of targeted individuals and/or groups in consultation with Response Team. Attention should be paid to different groups’ relationship to and perceptions of the Police Department and Campus Security. Their involvement does not always enhance sense of safety.
  3. Mental and emotional health: The Dean of Students will alert the Health and Wellness Center and formulate plans to deploy additional resources. The Health and Wellness Center will to the best of their ability secure additional supportive resources, with attention to the specific needs of targeted students. In collaboration with Student Success, Equity and Community, the Director of Residential Life will follow up with hall directors and RAs to offer support and implement additional programming, all with careful attention to who needs support, how it will be delivered and by whom, guided by what is heard from affected students about their needs.
  4. Town Hall: The Response Team will consider the merits of a Town Hall meeting for the entire campus community.
  5. Restoration: A plan will be developed by the Dean of Student office that seeks to provide significant restoration to those most immediately impacted by the hate act.


All incidents will be investigated in accordance with campus policy and, where appropriate or necessary, in coordination with local police and other law enforcement agencies.


As new, relevant information becomes available, the Response Team will share updates with campus as regularly as possible. Specific timelines will vary depending on each incident, but those anticipated timelines will be communicated as they become available.

Other Communications

Some incidents may require additional communications and outreach to a broader public. The Response Team, in collaboration with others, will determine if and when this is the case.

  1. Senior Director of Alumni and Parent Relations will consult with the Response Team to develop communications for parents and alumni.
  2. The Chief Communications Officer will manage media relations as well as distribution of public statements where appropriate.
  3. Statements intended for the public beyond the campus community will be published and updated regularly through the college’s news website.
  4. Communications and Marketing staff will work directly with the Response Team to leverage social media to offer support to students and community, and distribute information and updates when doing so is appropriate.

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