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New Web Page Request Form

Please use this form to request a web page be added to a group/site.

Initial content for the page must be submitted along with the request. This ensures that the page has value for users from the start. It also allows web staff to help present new content in the best possible way. Once live, group editors can continue to develop and refine the content on the new page.

If you have multiple pages to be added at once, please contact the Web Developer via email with an outline of the pages to be added and initial content for each.

All fields marked with asterisk (*) are required.

header field


required text field
required e-mail address field
header field

Page Details

required text field
The title also determines what the URL will be.
required textarea field
Be descriptive, including page titles/urls as needed. For instance, "On our department page, add under the Resources & Opportunities page at '/department/resources-opportunities/', at the top of the list of pages."
required textarea field
Why is this page needed and what goal(s) does it fulfill?
header field

Page Content

paragraph field

At least one of the following fields for initial content must be completed. New pages will not be made without initial content.

file attachment field
If you have the content on a file (.docx, etc), upload it here.
(50 MB max)
text field
If you have the content somewhere (page, drive file, etc), link to it here. Make sure the file's permissions are set for anyone at Beloit College to View.
textarea field
If the page is supposed to use or list dynamic content (stories, events, profiles, etc), or if additional details need to be given, describe what/how content should be included on the page.

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