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The methodology of conducting research: Historical trauma, physician trust, and preterm birth in African American women

Biology major Ardita Fardilovski ’21 worked with professor Helen Werner to examine trends in preterm births in African American women as part of the Pakula Biomedical Fellowship.

Historical Trauma is experienced through events involved with slavery, oppression, or any form of prejudice. The trauma itself can be passed down from generation to generation. Interestingly, preterm birth is much more common in African American women when compared to White women. To investigate this phenomenon, Professor Werner and Ardita developed two surveys to obtain self-reported responses from African American women in Rock County, WI. The data collected from these surveys will be used to better understand the associations between historical trauma, lack of physician trust, and preterm birth rates. The results of this epidemiological study can help us improve public health.

August 13, 2020

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