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Excellence in the Liberal Arts • Phi Beta Kappa • Beloit College
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Excellence in the Liberal Arts

Twenty three students have been inducted to Phi Beta Kappa, a national Honor Society recognizing excellence in a liberal arts education.

Class of 2021

Saad Ahsan

Ahsan, Saad Lahore, Pakistan
Major: Mathematics and Quantitative Economics

I am pictured in my role as a leader serving as the President of the International Club during the homecoming parade, where the International Club won the best club award 3 times in a row during my tenure. I am also pictured in my role as Beloit Student Government Co-President during Beloit College’s 175th Birthday!

Salma Mohammad Ali

Ali, Salma Dhaka, Bangladesh
Majors: Mathematics and Quantitative Economics

I am pictured carrying the Bangladesh flag during convocation in my freshman year, presenting my economics senior thesis on academic achievement in college for the Economics Senior Seminar course, and standing with the panelists of “Exploring Beloit” (an event showcasing large businesses in Beloit that I helped organize in 2019).

Shivangi Ambardar

Ambardar, Shivangi New Delhi, India
Majors: Mathematics and Quantitative Economics

“I came to Beloit to get a great international experience, and I got way more than that! I majored in two fields: Economics and Mathematics, made great friends, and built relationships that I hope last forever. I have been very involved in various campus activities and jobs in various departments. I feel grateful that my hard work was acknowledged with my nomination to the PBK honors society! It has been a great four years!”

Elisabeth Balistreri

Balistreri, Elisabeth Plymouth, Wisconsin
Major: Media Studies
Minors: Spanish, English, and Journalism

Though I’ve spent the past four years filling my Google calendar to the brim with three jobs, a dozen clubs, and enough credits to graduate (woo!), I am most proud of the work I have done in my own free time learning the art of stop motion animation. Pictured is myself and the armature used for my capstone project.”

Delaney (Sy) Richardson Dragon

Dragon, Sy Richardson Los Angeles, California
Major: International Relations

I have focused my studies on the Middle East and participated in intensive Arabic programs over the summer and through virtual study abroad. I have also played women’s varsity lacrosse for my three years at Beloit.

Yunseo (Chloe) Jo

Jo, Chloe Sejong-si, Republic of Korea
Major: Sociology and Philosophy

It is a great honor for me to graduate with Donald A. Summers Prize in Sociological Theory and Barbara & Jeffrey Bartlett Prize in Philosophy. I am planning to apply for law schools after graduation.

Benjamin Katz

Katz, Benjamin Ithaca, New York
Majors: Creative Writing and Health & Society

He completed an honors thesis in Creative Writing in spring 2021 and has earned several departmental honors including the White-Howells Prose Prize (spring 2021), the Beloit Poetry Journal Prize (spring 2020), and the Claudette Cummings Prize in Community Health (spring 2021). During his time at Beloit he has been involved in a wide array of campus activities, including the Beloit Public Health Initiative, the Beloit Fiction Journal, Pocket Lint, and the Rocky Horror Picture Show Shadowcast.

Emily Kratz

Kratz, Emily Normal, Illinois
Majors: Political Science and French Language & Culture

My heart is bursting with gratitude for all who have supported me during my college career. I deeply treasure my time at Beloit and the numerous opportunities I’ve had to grow and develop as an individual, including a magnificent two months abroad in France. Beloit will always be with me wherever I go.

Keegan Lekus

Lekus, Keegan Great Falls, Virginia
Majors: Japanese Language & Culture, and Anthropology

I have done a great deal during my time here at Beloit College, but my proudest accomplishments include my study abroad experience at Kansai Gaidai University, my time in Japan as a whole, and my special project in anthropology and Japanese.

Huixin Li

Li, Huixin Beijing, China
Major: Art History
Minor: French

Maria Elvira Lopez

Lopez, Maria Quito, Ecuador

Majors: Environmental Studies: Social Justice and Citizenship, International Relations, and Russian Language & Culture

This photo is during a Fridays for Future single picket for climate change at Pushkin Square, Moscow.

Ting Lu

Lu, Ting Guangzhou, China
Majors: Literary Studies and Business Economics

The picture was taken during Econ day held by the Econ department. Such meaningful activities are a lot at Beloit. I am deeply thankful for all the support and encouragement the college has offered me during these years.

Elizabeth North

North, Elizabeth Renton, Washington
Majors: Religious Studies and French Language & Culture
Minor: Philosophy

I am a member of the Beloit College Women’s Varsity Lacrosse team, a member of Theta Pi Gamma, the Vice-President of Beloit College’s Senior Bench Chapter of Mortar Board and in the Spring of 2020 I studied abroad in Besançon, France.

Mahima Sharma

Sharma, Mahima Kathmandu, Nepal
Majors: Mathematics and Computer Science

Haebeen Song

Song, Haebeen Seoul, Republic of Korea
Major: Psychology
Minors: Japanese and Education & Youth Studies

It was nice being involved in various clubs (International Club and Korean Club) being involved in COO leadership and working as a student programmer at SEAL :)

Kyle Swinford

Swinford, Kyle O’Fallon, Missouri
Major: International Relations and Russian Language & Culture

It’s been a great four years! I studied abroad in Russia for two semesters with my Russian and International Relations. In my first semester, I studied with international students and then studied with Russian students. It’s a great experience and everyone should study abroad!

Quinn Tahon

Tahon, Quinn Forest Hills, New York
Major: Anthropology
Minor: Museum Studies

I have focused on museums and LGBTQ+ issues throughout my studies and my museum studies special project combined those two passions in an exhibit. The project is a culmination of a year’s work at the Logan Museum of Anthropology to explore queerness cross-culturally while decentering whiteness. Pictured here is the resulting online exhibit and its accompanying mini physical exhibit.

Thi Minh Hanh (Heather) Tran

Tran, Heather Hanoi, Vietnam
Majors: Business Economics and Media Studies

This is a picture from my last Econ Day in Chicago in 2020. With a summa cum laude honor, I graduated with a double major in Business Economics and Media Studies. Beloit has given me the chance to know wonderful people and gain invaluable experience that I couldn’t have anywhere else.

Evan Watkins

Watkins, Evan Des Moines, Iowa
Majors: Cognitive Science and Music
Minor: Journalism

During the spring semester of my junior year, I studied abroad at the University of Canterbury in Christchurch New Zealand. While there I was able to take courses for both my majors as well as a Land Journeys and Ethics course that discussed the history and landscape of New Zealand as well as modern day sustainable solutions to environmental issues. This photo was taken while on a four-day hike through the Greenstone Caples track in the South Island of New Zealand. This May I will be graduating Summa Cum Laude from Beloit with honors in both Cognitive Science and Music.

Gabrielle Watson

Watson, Gabrielle Madison, Wisconsin
Majors: International Relations and Chinese Language & Culture
Minor: Anthropology

“While maintaining a 4.0 GPA I’ve…tutored; played tennis; traveled abroad three times -twice for research- to Australia and China where I hiked ⅖ sacred mountains; been an executive member of two Greek life organizations and the sweetheart of another; joined five honors societies; learned Classical Chinese; and graduated.”

Rose Williams

Williams, Rose Melvin, Illinois
Major: Molecular, Cellular, and Integrative Biology

“I tutored over six different courses and worked as an AVID tutor. I researched with Dr. Bergstrom as a Pakula Biomedical Scholar on EEGs and Epilepsy. Pursuing my interest in neuroscience, I studied in Denmark. I have been V.P. Growth, V.P. Operations, and President of Alpha Sigma Tau plus Director of New Member Ed AST Delta Nu. I worked with Todd and Hackett Reading Buddies, GWIS, and COVID-19 testing. “

Miaoboyang Xu

Xu, Miaoboyang Xi’an Shaanxi, China
Major: Quantitative Economics

Class of 2022

Sahil Rizal

Rizal, Sahil Kathmandu, Nepal
Major: Economics

I decided to pursue Economics as my major to learn and implement these concepts to go back and help develop my country. Like in the image, I really love public speaking and I feel good when I talk to large groups of people. In the picture, I was at a mock USEF debate where I had to debate with other peers on some of the international issues and how we can tackle them.

May 25, 2021

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