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Helping people and the planet

Chemical engineering consultant Stephanida Kvokov’20 draws on skills developed while studying at Beloit College to now develop client solutions.

As an engineering consultant for the Danish design & engineering company Ramboll, Stepha Kvokov’20 helps develop solutions for clients related to air quality, compliance, and sustainability. The strong research, technical writing skills, and presentation skills she developed at Beloit College and at Washington University are invaluable for this work.

She has also been aided by other experiences as an undergraduate. Thus, while a preprofessional engineering student at Beloit, Stepha studied abroad for a semester at the University of Glasgow with the help of a Gilman study abroad scholarship. In Glasgow, she took classes in engineering and environmental politics.

She also played in Beloit’s wind ensemble and woodwind quintet, served as the president of the college’s Science Fiction and Fantasy Association, and was an active member of the Engineering and Physics Club, where she co-authored a paper with physics professor Patrick Polley.

Interested in increasing the number of women and other underrepresented identities in STEM careers, Stepha contributed to Beloit College’s annual Girls and Women in Science conference and at Washington University mentored incoming pre-professional engineers.

“In my career, I want to help people and the planet. Fortunately, the curriculum at Beloit College and the thoughtful conversations I had there gave me the strong foundation in communication, curiosity, and action I’ll need to achieve my goals.”

August 26, 2021

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