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CELEB Sponsors Conference Scholarships

The Center for Entrepreneurship (CELEB) is sending students and faculty to a joint conference in Chicago, IL.

Through the generosity of alumni donors, four students and four faculty will attend the networking and skill-building event designed to expose student entrepreneurs to leaders from the start-up world.

Dubbed “Frame Your Future,” events at this year’s event include a pitch competition, e-sports tournament, leadership sessions, how-to workshops with business investors and founders, and a start-up simulation.

After several years in Tampa, FL, the 39th annual CEO conference has returned to Chicago and will run concurrently with the Self-Employment in the Arts (SEA) Conference. SEA allows student artists, musicians, writers, and performers to learn first-hand from working artists how to survive and thrive in their chosen professions.

Students interested in future events and opportunities should contact CELEB, and join the Business & Entrepreneurship Career Channel.

October 25, 2022

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