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Beloit College welcomes first-year student Ian Nelson to campus this fall. Nelson was awarded a full scholarship funded by Stopher Bartol. College alums like Bartol have a strong tradition of mentoring, networking with, and offering internships to fellow Beloiters.

Sun Prairie West High School senior Ian Nelson will have a full ride to Beloit College courtesy of founder Stopher Bartol.

A talented varsity soccer goalie, Nelson is excited to play with the Beloit College team, under first-year head coach Patrick Sanchez, a former coach of Nelson’s.

Ian Nelson accepts the Bartol scholarship from presenter Assistant Director of Admissions Cherish Golden. Ian Nelson accepts the Bartol scholarship from presenter Assistant Director of Admissions Cherish Golden.Nelson says Beloit College “is a great fit” for him to play DIII college-level soccer while also studying one of his passions, urban planning, inspired by his growing hometown. The 2023 Sun Prairie grad helps out his community through DECA and as a member of the City of Sun Prairie Sustainability Committee. Nelson is already a Beloit College First-Year Global Impact Fellow based on his community leadership potential.

“Even before Ian steps foot on campus as a student, we can already see he is a true Beloiter,” Beloit College Vice President for Enrollment Leslie Davidson says. “Beloit is where we will help Ian, and all students, thrive and, ultimately, join our alumni shaping lives defined by purpose, creativity, and an entrepreneurial spark.”

Stopher Bartol Stopher BartolBartol, a 1984 Sun Prairie High School, and 1988 Beloit College graduate, and his wife, Sheryl, fund a full-tuition, four-year scholarship for a Sun Prairie High School senior. Bartol, an economics graduate, credits the college for honing his leadership and business skills. Stopher founded in 1998, introducing online obituaries and growing the company from a small number of newspaper partnerships to a global market.

“The many experiences, lessons, and values I gained from my time at Beloit College helped pave the path forward for my success as an entrepreneur and in life,” Bartol says. “I hope this scholarship provides the same rewarding opportunity to a young student who embodies the mission of Beloit College.”

College alums like Bartol have a strong tradition of mentoring, networking with, and providing internships to fellow Beloiters.

“Stopher’s generous donation embodies his commitment to our mission to encourage productive collaborators, creative problem solvers, and effective communicators,” Davidson says. “We are excited to work with Sun Prairie High School to recruit the next scholarship recipient.”

Nelson received a certificate honoring his achievements at a May 17 Scholarship Awards Night ceremony at Sun Prairie East High School.

Students can apply for the 2024 Stopher & Sheryl Bartol Scholarship here.

By: Jennifer Fetterly
May 18, 2023

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