BS, University of Iowa
MA, University of Texas-Austin
PhD, University of Texas-Austin
Courses Taught
Earth: A Dynamic Planet
Structural Geology
Field Methods
Research Interests
Jim’s research incorporates petrology and geochemistry to learn about the role of fluids in the Earth’s crust in both metamorphic and low-T environments.
Rougvie, J.R., and Sorenson, S.S., 2002, Cathodoluminescence record of K-metasomatism in ash-flow tuffs; grain-scale mechanisms and large-scale geochemical implications, Geology 30 (4): 307-310.
Rougvie, J. R., Carlson, W. D., Copeland, P., and Connelly, J. N., 1999, Late thermal evolution of Proterozoic rocks in the northeastern Llano Uplift, central Texas, Precambrian Geology 94 (1-2): 49-72.
Foster, C.T., Reagan, M.K., Kennedy, G.S., Smith, G.A., White, C.A., Eiler, J.E., and Rougvie, J.R., 1999, Insights into the Proterozoic geology of the Park Range, Colorado, Rocky Mountain Geology 34 (1): 7-20.
James Rougvie
Associate Professor of Geology
Pronouns: he/him/his Email: Phone: 608-363-2268 Office: Room 433, Sanger Center for the SciencesJim works with students interested in how rocks and minerals can tell us about the workings of Earth’s interior and tectonic system. He also involves students in his petrology and geochemistry research of fluid-rock interactions in the crust.
In the Geology Department, Jim teaches Mineralogy, Petrology, Structural Geology, Field Geology, and Physical Geology.
In the Environmental Studies Program, Jim teaches courses about rural sustainability, with a focus on Japan.