Maryanna Lachman
Maryanna Lachman
February 13-18, 2017
Music and Dance Residency
Sam and Maryanna will be working with Beloit dance and music students – the week will culminate in a collaborative performance on campus.
Maryanna Lachman is a dance maker and curator based in Oakland, CA. She received her BFA in performance and choreography from Ohio University’s Honors Tutorial College. Since moving to the San Francisco Bay Area in 2009, she has presented numerous solo and group choreographies. She is a co-curator of the annual FRESH Festival and a visiting artist at Whitman College, Green Street Studios (Boston), and Dance New Amsterdam (NYC). In addition to touring Snake Talk, Lachman has worked as a collaborative performer in works constructed by Christine Bonansea, Jess Curtis/Gravity, Jesse Hewit, Kathleen Hermesdorf, and Sara Shelton Mann. She attended ImPulsTanz as part of the danceWEB in 2012, and was in residency at Lake Studios, Berlin and Bains: Connective in Brussels last year. Lachman is one of the seven women of SALTA, a collective of dance curators in the East Bay. Lachman is invested in community organizing, in creating trans-disciplinary platforms for discussion surrounding practice, and making cultural space for dance experiments to flourish.