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You’re back! Take time to reflect on your experiences, take meaning from them, and look for ways to continue to learn and grow.
- Complete and submit responses to study abroad survey sent to you. Your responses inform study abroad advising and, if you choose, can be shared with prospective study abroad students.
- Have your transcript sent to Kathy Landon at for conversion into Beloit College grades and credits and posting to your transcript.
- Understand how your grades and credits convert to your Beloit transcript. See conversion tool for Beloit partnerships here, and for ISEP partners here.
- Grades received abroad appear on transcripts, but are not used to calculate cumulative GPAs. The exception is for courses with Beloit College course codes, such as Cities in Transition and summer block courses
- Grades earned through domestic off-campus study do figure into Beloit College GPA calculations.
- First, students should contact the host institution about any appeal of a grade, including the instructor and international office or provider coordinator. The Global Experience Office can help with communication and advocacy, if needed.
- If the appeal to the host institution is unsuccessful, students should follow the process for a Late Drop on the Beloit College Registrar’s website, while keeping the Global Experience Office informed.
Study Abroad Ambassadors advocate for study abroad by sharing their experiences at Global Experience Office events, on our website, and through social media.
Events include the Off-Campus Studies Fair in September, orientation events in October, November, April and May, and various other events throughout the year.
Ambassadors learn to apply a critical lens to their experiences abroad and play a key role in encouraging other Beloit students to study abroad. Contact Julianne ( or Kathy ( if you are interested.
The Global Experience Office hires alums of study away programs to work in our office as Peer Mentorship Specialists and Outreach and Marketing Specialists. We generally hire in spring and send emails to eligible students when our application cycles are open. Watch your inbox!
Beloit and Beyond, held annually in early November, and the Student Symposium, held annually in April, provides forums for students to share the academic, personal, and professional growth that they achieved studying abroad or away with the rest of campus.
Beloit and Beyond: Find information session times and places, and information on nominating students and submitting abstracts here.
Student Symposium: If you are interested in being nominated, talk to a professor or your study away advisor.