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Education & Youth Studies
The education and youth studies department offers an interdisciplinary program of theory and practice that promotes social responsibility through shared scholarship. In the context of current and future changes at the local, national, and international levels, the department commits to a responsive curriculum that tries to meet the changing needs of our students who are future educators, mentors, counselors, social workers, therapists, and social justice advocates and leaders.
The department offers a variety of teaching certifications for students who are interested in teaching in K-12 classrooms. Certified students receive a Wisconsin teaching license that can also be transferred to about 40 other U.S. states. The department also has a non-licensing track for students interested in pursuing a broad range of interests related to education and youth studies. Graduates from the EDYS program pursue careers in teaching, school counseling or psychology, social work, occupational therapy, international education, higher education administration, human resources, environmental education, social justice advocacy, youth development programs, and more.
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