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Help build a healthier future — as a care provider, educator, or  researcher.

  • <div class="hero-story-wrapper container mb-2"><div class="hero-story col-lg-3 offset-lg-3 px-3 pb-2"><h4><a href="/live/news/5546-pathways-to-medicine">Pathways to Medicine</a></h4><p><p> Successful careers in medicine, research, and public health are not uncommon among Beloit College graduates. <br/><br/> Melissa Pelkey’19, a Milwaukee native, is a fourth-year medical student applying to residency in anesthesiology. Her passion for global health began at Beloit after a college grant allowed her to work at a free clinic in Guatemala.</p></p><p><a href="/live/news/5546-pathways-to-medicine" style="font-size: 1.05em;">Read More →</a></p></div></div><div class="hero-header-image" style="background-image: url(/live/image/gid/94/height/670/src_region/0,0,2250,2812/11904__pm-Melissa_Pelkey_now.rev.1698253629.jpg); background-size:cover; background-position:center; min-height:400px;"><div class="" style="position:static;"><span class="lw_image_caption lw_align_right px-3" style="">Melissa Pelkey’19</span></div></div>

Healing individuals, your community, and the world

What is your dream career?

Do you want to heal people, as a medical doctor, nurse, psychologist, occupational therapist, or certified nurse-midwife? Or perhaps your sights are set on doing research, advancing medical, pharmaceutical, and scientific knowledge and practice.

Do you seek to make a difference in your community, as a social worker, counselor, health and wellness coordinator, health advocate, or abuse prevention specialist? Or educate others about health, helping to reduce teen pregnancy or community infection rates?

Maybe you want an international career improving health overseas, working in the Peace Corps, monitoring HIV rates, or building health clinic capacity.  

We help you prepare for your future

You get personalized support for a successful transition to medical and other professional schools from the faculty and staff members of the Health Professions Advisory Committee.

From advice on what classes to take to prepare you for an advanced degree to help finding internships with local healthcare providers, we’re here to support you every step of the way.

Health & Healing

Your Mentors

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