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In-Person Instruction, Grading, Attendance, and Completion Policies

In-Person Instruction Policy for 2022-23

While the college’s response to the COVID19 pandemic required remote participation in courses, the College remains fundamentally an in-person, residential institution. Because in-person participation in classes is an essential component of a Beloit College education, remote enrollment in in-person courses is not available.


Standard grading procedures are still in place for the 2022-23 academic year. Students enrolled in courses designated as letter-grade (A-F) will not be able to choose to convert the letter grade to Credit/No Credit.

Class Attendance and Participation

Students are expected to attend class and follow attendance policies set by their instructors. As part of our commitment to one another, please stay home when you feel ill or experience symptoms for which you do not have an explanation.

Student Emergency

The definition of “compelling circumstance” in the following will include personal and/or family challenges that arise because of COVID-19.

“When a student has an emergency (death in the family, severe illness or other compelling circumstance), the student should notify the Dean of Students Office, which shall inform various administrative offices and the student’s instructor(s) and advisor(s) about the absence. However, all absences, including emergencies, are evaluated by the instructor. It is the student’s responsibility to notify the instructor in advance whenever possible about an absence. In all cases, the student is responsible for missed course work.” – “Class Attendance” section of the Student Handbook.

You should communicate with your professors, who can help facilitate your access to course materials and negotiate, if possible, alternate deadlines and options for you to show proficiency in the course’s essential learning objectives.

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