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Georgia Armitage ’19

The Beloit Economics Department offers an opportunity not only to study a noted scholar but to question them and ask their advice about everything from grad school to senior theses.

Lucky is the first word that comes to my mind when I think of the Miller Upton Forum. For me, Professor Dani Rodrick’s visit tied together my college experience, offering a contrasting view of globalization and development than I had heard when Professor Yasheng Huang presented at the Miller Upton Forum during my freshman year. And yes, I asked what Professor Rodrick thought of Professor Huang’s work.

More than that, I relished the chance to speak with alumni at all stages of their lives. In particular, speakers such as Ted Liu’13 caught my attention. Speaking with him deepened my interest in research, showed me what a Beloit student could look after graduation, and helped me feel less terrified of the job hunt. Normally, I would say that the Miller Upton Forum was a once-in-a-lifetime experience, but I have attended several. Thank you to the Economics Department and alumni for making this experience possible for me and future students!

October 01, 2018

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