Donna Oliver
Provost and Dean of the College
Martha Peterson Professor for Distinguished Faculty Service (Russian)
Phone: 608-363-2667
Donna Oliver leads the college’s academic program and has general oversight of the student experience.
The success of students and the growth and support of faculty are deeply embedded in Oliver’s commitment to the Beloit College community.
Oliver, who holds the Martha Peterson Chair for Distinguished Faculty Service, has served the college in a variety of roles, including interim co-provost, associate dean of the college, accreditation liaison officer, chair of the department of modern languages and literatures, and special assistant to the provost. Through her service on budget, academic strategic planning, faculty status and performance, and curriculum committees, she has helped advance Beloit College as a top-ranking higher education institution.
Before being named Provost, Oliver had served as the college’s Director of Community-Based Learning since 2020. In that role, she helped launch the new Impact Beloit initiative, which unites the college’s community-based learning and career-readiness programs.
Previous honors include receiving the Beloit College Presidential Service Award and the student-nominated James R. Underkofler Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching.
Oliver came to Beloit College in 1989 and holds a B.A. in Russian and International Studies from Indiana University of Pennsylvania and a M.A. and Ph.D. in Slavic languages and literatures from Northwestern University. All of Oliver’s three children are Beloit graduates.